A Thought for Easter and Every Other Day Too

Posted by on Mar 30, 2013

A Thought for Easter and Every Other Day Too

It is not possible to know if the next throw of the dice will bring a seven or an eleven. What is known, for certain, is that the only way for a seven or an eleven to come up is by throwing the dice. Too many American children are being taught to not throw the dice.  Such a mindset reliably produces a life expectation similar to that expressed by the French adolescent who was asked what he thought would constitute a well lived life. He replied, “To graduate from college and get a good government job.”

Mediocrity begins with small dreams and is assured by no dreams.  Dreams are risky things. When a child grows up in a fully insulated, insured and safe environment, he is trained to avoid risk, which kills the dangerous dreamer and gives birth to the safe mediocrity.  Just as faith is destroyed by a lukewarm heart, a nation is destroyed by a mediocre populace.

On Good Friday, the man Jesus took one Hell of a risk, so that, on Easter morning, the God Jesus could give reality to the biggest dream mankind has ever had…talk about a dangerous dreamer…happy Easter.