A Running Camper is a Happy Camper

Posted by on Jul 11, 2013

A Running Camper is a Happy Camper

All day, every day, for thirty camp seasons, I’ve watched campers (at Eagle Feather and Eagle Wing) running to get to their next activity. They’re not running because they’re late, or fear being left behind, or left out, or chastised, or losing anything.

They run to swimming, sailing, lacrosse, archery, arts and crafts, canoeing, soccer, Sloyd, dance, drama… Sure these are neat events, but they also run to the dining hall, the cabin, to raise the flags in the morning, to put the trash in the dumpster, to catch up with a friend who’s just up the trail. At Eagle Feather they run the hill at the end of the day…just cuz. They run everywhere!

A long time ago, I realized there was something more to the question, “Why do they run?” The answer is fundamental to their nature: A running camper is a happy camper.

When was the last time you saw someone running to their next engagement, when they weren’t late? If experiencing happiness is good for the soul, then maybe we all need more camp in our lives